Monday 28 February 2011

New Fish

Tommorow night our first shipment of koi will be arriving from Japan, Barry and Scott will be traveling down south to collect the fish from the airport and get them back to the store and get them into quarantine.
The fish will not be out on sale for a few weeks as they need to settle down and get checked over.
Once the fish are ready for sale they will be out and on sale in our fish room and pictures and prices will be uploaded onto the website aswell.
Visit for all the latest offers and deals we have going on in store.

Friday 25 February 2011

Holmeswood Koi Quarantine Tanks

Here is a short video to show you the new tanks we are making to put in the new goldfish house and also these tanks are for sale aswell and retail out at £249.99 call 01704822359 for more information or to purchase one.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Sansai Biorex Review

Sansai Biorex Probiotica (Yakult for koi), we have got a fresh stock in from Holland of Biorex.
Sansai has got to be one of the best probiotic treatments for koi, we have seen brilliant results from Sansai since we started using the product. It boosts the koi's immune system using it as a regular dose and makes it harder for those nasty parasites and bacterial infections to breach the koi.
All our customers who have bought the product come back for more and more as they can see good results from the product.
It comes in two sizes of bottles, there’s a 5ltr bottle which retails out at £49.95 and a 1ltr bottle which retails out at £14.95.
The mixture can be given to your koi in two ways, one by mixing it in boiling water and slowly mixing it into the pond water and secondly by mixing it with the feed so they can take it in orally.

Click here to view or buy Sansai on the Holmeswood Koi website.

Natures Grub Koi Balls

Here is a quick clip i put together of some of the koi feeding on the Natures Grub Koi Balls.
To check out all the other great treats Natures Grub do and to buy them click here.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Hello And Happy New Year

Well its that time of the year and i know its a month late, but i would just like to wish you all a happy new year and best wishes for the 2011 season.
The posts so far have been minimal and very little but there going to be more and more often so remember to keep an eye out for all the latest news.
Well where to start, the years started of nice and busy and theres alot going on around the store.
Weve just put together a new open fronted building for all the goldfish and small cheap koi to stay.
So no more standing out in the cold or rain to buy some goldfish keep indoors and keep dry.
All the tanks for the are being handmade onsite by Dave himself, making them all by hand using fibreglass.

On the left is dave doing what he does best!
Making things.
In this picture he is putting the 1st layer of fibreglass onto the plug to create the mould where he will make the finished tank.

On the left is the
frame build ready
for the roof and

and here on the right is the building with its roof and trellis front on.

The building still needs some finishing touches before its fully open, but that wont be too long we are aiming to have it ready and open for the spring.
Were putting an order together now for some new koi to be sent over from japan, we should be getting them and having them out and on sale around the spring time also.

Thats all for today but myself (Scott) and Barry will be trying to get posts on daily.
We hope to see you all this year.