Thursday 28 July 2011

Fry Cull No2

Well the start of the week went well.
We decided it was time to go through the fry again for more grading.
We set out to drag the net through the mud pond again to catch all the koi ready for selection.
Once we caught all the koi into the sein net we then transfered the fish into a small holding tank ready for selection.
When we where moving the fish over we where pleased with the results as a majority of the fish we selected from the first cull had grown on superb.
Heres a small amount of some of the baby koi whilst they where being moved to another tank and in just these very few koi there is some absolute crackers.
Once into the 3 retaining nets we then started grading the koi. 50% of the koi have been returned to the mud pond for growing on and the other 50% are on sale in store now.

If you read about the other baby fry in the previous post they are coming on really well also that would be an interesting mix to see what comes out. Where hoping for a good range of chagoi in them.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

More Progress On Baby Koi

Below is a link to a short clip of the baby fry feeding on Aquamaster Growth feed soaked in water.
I would embed the video onto here but for some reason i cant so clicking to the link below will direct you to the video on Youtube.