Monday 25 October 2010

Aquamaster Koi Food Product Review

Well the Aquamaster Koi feed has got to be one of the best koi food we have found yet. We have had great results with the food since we started feeding all our fish on site with this food. They do four different types of feed such as the Colour Enhancer which features a high portion of Spirulina and Astaxanthin to effectively enhance the koi colour richness. With its organic minerals they effectively raise the koi's vibrancy. Enriched nucleotide increases the koi immunity, and the feed is easily digested and reduces the water contaminiation.

There is also the Staple diet feed, with its enriched nucleotide enhances the koi's immunity. With this balanced nutrition it spurs the koi's growth, and is also easily digested and reduces the waste and water contamination.

The Wheatgerm feed is most probably one of the best Wheatgerm feeds out there. With the fresh wheatgerm and shrimp meal greatly increases the kois apetite in low water tempretures. Astaxanthin and organic minerals enhance anti-oxidation and result in more brilliant and vibrant scale colours. Enriched nucleotide increases the koi immunity. This feed is also easily digested and reduces waste and water contamination.

When usuing this feed we have noticed that there is literally no waste left lying around on the bottom of the pond as the fish can easily digest this feed with its high immunity. Over the last few weeks where the water tempreture has really droped we havent had to slow down the feeding, at the moment we are still feeding wheatgerm and the koi are still feeding better than ever. Great results great food. To buy visit our website
We would love to hear your thoughts and feelings on this food.

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